
The sports company will join the World Cup in November 2022


The sports company will join the World Cup in November 2022

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LCandidacy for the 2030 World Cup , at least on the Spanish side, It provokes controversy and excessive noise, When what you need, before the step required by FIFA, He is calm, harmonious, Frank, desires and desire to shape the World Cup.

One of the requirements required by the cap of the world football body, is That all parties participate in the project, that is, cities, clubs, political. Everyone signed letters of commitment to start thinking about the simple fact of giving a universal form, hence some similar information, especially about COROA and Valencia.

They want to lead us to ruin or Deportivo did not participate or receive any information About the efforts that the different levels are holding around this event, ” he came to tell from the sport, which attracted attention, both in the federation and in the City Council of Galicia.

Mark had access to the document Which makes it very clear that Deportivo was immersed in the project from the first minute, A moment when the commitment to join the World Cup candidacy was signed.

In addition, some of the club’s executives have been traveling for weeks to the Federation’s headquarters To attend various meetings.

The eleven Spanish stadiums for the 2030 World Cup: neither Vigo nor Valencia

The police will not help in any way that FIFA is OK To nominate any city and let’s remember that there are two places that are pressing to replace the others as they are Valencia and Vigo.

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