
Real Cartagena vs Sporting match suspended for lack of a doctor


Real Cartagena vs Sporting match suspended for lack of a doctor

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El The Jaime Morne Stadium in Cartagena was the scene of the match , or what could be played , between Real Cartagena The Atletico de Cali, valid for the 10th date of the betplay 2-2024 tournament. And although the first half was played without problems , the referees never left the dressing room and many began to report the anomaly on social networks, but After a while it was reported that the meeting was suspended due to the absence of a doctor in the visiting delegation.

In the first 45 minutes, the Cartagena team was seen with a lot of offensive power and a winning attitude, which imprinted Uruguayan young artist Sebastien Vieira, Who retired a few months earlier from professional football after an extensive career as a goalkeeper. The score was 1-0, with the goal of striker Miguel Murillo, occurred about 35 minutes.

With that mark, The game went to the break, it never resumed, veselita, it seemed meaningless, the referees never returned to the field of play And the fans found out about the comment after a long time of waiting.

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Due to the absence of a doctor at Atletico de Cali, the match with real Cartagena was suspended

To give context, we need to start with The official regulations of the betplay 2-2024 tournament , the same as those used in the Colombian professional football leagues And it is based on the mandates of FIFA itself.

The regulations include Chapter VII About “Official match sheet”, This text contains articles 43 and 45 in which the obligation of the team doctor is discussed. Article 43 regulates “Registration of technical Corps and support staff” And as a mandatory mention of them: “The registration of the staff of the clubs (Technical Director, Technical Assistant, physical trainer, goalkeeper coach, Doctor, kinesiologist-physiotherapist, delegate and prop) will be carried out taking into account the provisions provided for by the applicable regulations, including, but not limited to, the circular of registration for the second semester of the year 2023”.

And in Article 45 it is clarified that it is obligatory to have the title of a health specialist “Registration of a doctor in the official party form”, For obvious reasons or situations that may arise in a match with any of the Champions. In a detailed paragraph, the following is indicated: “The participating clubs will have to present themselves at the matches with the doctor registered in demayor and in the comet system, and make the subsequent registration in the game sheet. Without complying with this requirement, the referee refrains from initiating or continuing the commitment, with the disciplinary consequences that this entails for the offending club. All participating clubs will have to register a doctor before demayur and in the comet system to participate in the first and second demayur Championship 2024”.

All participating clubs must register a doctor before demayur and in the comet system to participate in the first and second demayur Championship 2024

Although the regulations are known, approved and signed by all managers, presidents and managers of professional clubs in Colombia, Atletico de Cali decided to apply on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 without a doctor. Without giving notice or a report, they allowed the first half to be played, but in the second half they were confronted and could not justify this lack of the rules of the game.

According to Cartagena Press reports, In the first half there was a blow and defender Junior Aloma got a wound on his head , but instead of receiving the necessary and usual medical care, they would have cleaned the wound only with water Members of Atletico bank. This raised alarms among those present, but at the end of the first half the representative of real Cartagena confirmed that the doctor was not at the match.

There are conflicting versions and they were not clarified by the Champions or by demayor (the main division of Colombian football). Some They claim that there was an unauthorized doctor, others say that there was a person pretending to be a doctor and in other stories it spread that no one was hired for this job. The fact is that Jess Antonio Feliz Marin, registered physician in the official forms, I was not at the stadium.

That’s why the party was terminated and as demayor indicated on his social networks: “The mayor of La Divisione del Futebol colombiano-demayor, allows to inform that due to an organizational issue, the match between Real Cartagena against Atletico F. C. S. A.”. But on the social networks of real Cartagena there was a more detailed report on the case and almost everything that circulated on social networks and in the stands of the Jaime Morne stadium was confirmed.

“Real Cartagena reported that during the match against Atletico, our Manager, Lex Redden, noticed that the opponent did not have a doctor on the bench, as specified in the rules, which was reported to the arbitration panel, which determined the end of the match . We regret this situation that we are oblivious to, and we thank our fans for the constant support.”, It is also assumed that the points will remain in the possession of the local and I will still be at the top of the leaderboard for the second half of the betplay tournament.

Real Cartagena informs that during the match against Atletico, our Manager, Lex Redden, noticed that the rival did not have a doctor in the bank , as stipulated by the regulations

But in addition to what is being reported or what can be justified, there must be an official statement to indicate if the lost match was given to Atletico de Cali with a score of 3-0 or if Real Cartagena had to ask for the won match so that Jean demayeur did. But The most important thing is that they explain who was responsible for checking and allowing the shortage or change of one of the binding members in the official party form.

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