
Real Madrid: fide Valverde’s emotional confession to Cruz in his farewell letter


Real Madrid: fide Valverde’s emotional confession to Cruz in his farewell letter

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Fide Valverde, Combero in the midfield Toni Kroos, He was one of the members of the Real Madrid team that took the longest to publish the farewell letter to the German, but it was undoubtedly one of the most detailed and emotional.

The Uruguayan admitted that I fulfilled his dream of playing with his talent and regretted not being able to enjoy other years with the German, from whom he claims to have learned like no one else.

Fide Valverde’s farewell letter to Kroos

I think that when we were children, we all had pain. The person we admire, the person we see on TV and we think ‘I want to be like this person when I grew up’

And if we have children with a lot of imagination, then we can say that we were playing ball with this pain, which was far away, untouchable, difficult to reach.

This child was mine. This kid fulfilled his dream and played with the player he always had for evil.

Today with an extra feeling and a lump in my throat, I know that this child would have liked to play with you for another ten years, and I, too, Tony. Because I never stop being that kid that I’ve always admired you for.

I’ve been thinking about this letter all day and I don’t think I’ve told you before, and I can’t do it personally, but I want you to know; I love you and part of I thank you.

If fide’s reaction drew attention to his affection, it was no less Vinny To Shara’s letter. “Heir 8”, He signed on the wing, referring to the secure promotion in the hierarchy of the Madrid Falcon core, which could also inherit the legendary dorsal of Antonio.

Kroos ‘ response to Valverde’s letter

“My dear vid. You know that you are very important to me. Because I love you as a player and a person. You have absolutely everything to be the leader of this team in the future. I will always be by your side! And tomorrow we’ll talk about another topic… #8”.

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