
Falcao is looking for a house in Bogota: the problems that millionaires will have to hire a ‘tiger’


Falcao is looking for a house in Bogota: the problems that millionaires will have to hire a ‘tiger’

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DEspos of the lot Years of sports career in River Plate (Argentina), Porto (Portugal), Atletico de Madrid (Spain), Monaco (French League), Manchester United, Chelsea (England), Galatasaray (Turkey)and Rayo Vallecano (Spain), For the first time the scenario of having Falcao Jarka playing and living in Colombia is being dealt with. And as As he always said that he is a fan of millionaires, now he said that he is waiting for the call from Gustavo Serpa, Representing the owners of the club, to eventually negotiate.

This means a A strong and significant economic investment to pay for a high-profile player, a historical scorer of the national team of Colombia And that he was part of the best in the world a decade ago. But also There are other issues and economic issues that are being dealt with between the player and the club, seeking to settle special tax payments in the PAS.

The complex issue of Housing and The living conditions of the tiger, his wife Lorelei Tarn and their 5 children (Dominic , desire, Annette, Jedediah and heaven)It also involves something of the greatest difficulty. Understand that Millonarios of Bogota , a city in the metropolitan area that has more than 8 million inhabitants and in a nearby metropolitan area that reaches more than 12 million, Which complicates mobility, density and citizen security.

(Included) (/included)

The problem of millionaires for hiring Falcao Garca

In Statements made by Falcao jarca himself in Bogota, last Tuesday, June 4, 2024Already aklar that his wife and family will support him in the decision he makes, and the dream of playing with beloved millionaires is valid:

It is possible, we talked about it in the family, with my wife, she understands what millionaires mean to me. I have never played in Colombian first-class professional football and it will always be a possibility. Then there are many factors that lead you to make a decision, in short, the player cannot be set alone… We have to see if the parties have reached an agreement , there are several aspects to see that we will analyze in the coming weeks

But as soon as the suspicion is clarified that Falcao wants to play in Colombian football, that his family will make an effort to adapt to the change of life and that there were negotiations in the past that could bring the parties closer, there are other unresolved contexts. And this is Journalists, people close to Gustavo Serpa and the directors of millonarius explained that it is extremely difficult to fulfill the conditions To carry out such recruitment for economic issues.

It’s not exactly what Falcao can charge , he is currently a free player due to his departure from Rayo Vallecano, It is because of the tax issue and there is a special one that complicates the whole picture. This is a real estate tax that involves a mandatory contribution that It falls on the accumulation of wealth of Colombian or foreign natural persons, liquid inheritance and foreign companies that do not declare income in the country And those who have a net worth of more than 72,000 tax value units (tax value unit) that would mean something close to 3,388’680,000 Colombian pesos.

This tax will be temporarily established in 2019, but With some modifications over the years, the term is permanent and regulated by the national government led by Gustavo Petro since 2022. Then, on January 1 of each year, the possession of assets in Colombia or abroad is counted, and everyone who comes to live and establishes his tax residence in the country must report this asset and pay tax on it.

Without going into details, it should be said that due to the excellent career of Radamel Falcao Garca in international football, having played for many of the best clubs in the world, having received salaries in euros and pounds in various European countries, with Companies and investments according to the security of your future and the future of your family , the cost of this real estate tax will be very high for you.

Besides the fact that the contract with millionaires is not too high and they can somehow manage taxes so that there is not too much burden on the player or the club, the real problem lies in what the tiger and his family acquired and acquired abroad and in previous years. That’s why, Millionaires will face a serious problem , because paying for the current contract will not cover these costs.

As journalist Carlos Antonio Feliz asked in his opinion column on the radio station Antena 2:

This is not so easy is Falcao going to incur the wealth tax that there is in this bass? Because if you come to work here, you will have to pay taxes to Colombia not for what you earn, but for what you have. Or will you come without a tax domicile in Colombia? I don’t think millionaires should pay Falcao a salary that compensates for this issue of wealth.
Falcao’s accountant and the millionaires ‘ accountant should know that. Radamel’s lawyer and lawyer of millionaires… No if Falcao is willing to give himself that ‘skin’, millions can give it to him, within normal margins, because here there is no one to pay the salaries of sodis, no one goes to mortgage the future of the club, no matter how good Radamel is

Journalist Augusto Londo, who has a direct line with Gustavo Serpa and those who judge millionaires, believed this complicated scenario on the tax issue: “It’s not just the goodwill of Falcao and the goodwill of millionaire managers, who want to get him. But the economic problem is very complicated by the current financial situation that we Colombians are in… There is a wealth tax that starts at 0.5 and increases to 1 and 1.5%. If Falcao is charged real estate tax when he comes to live in Colombia, he is going to say no.”. He said this in the program ‘El bolso del evertbol’ for Radio Caracol.

That is, the representative of the maximum shareholders of millionaires, Being the Amber collection belonging to businessman Joseph ogurlian (Franks of Armenian-Lebanese origin), Londo confirmed that I will meet with Falcao and his entourage

Are you looking for a house in Cha, a town close to Bogot?

Despite all this, last Wednesday, June 5th, the Radamel Falcao Garka himself visited a condominium of houses called Ilya, which is located on the road leading from the town of Cha to the village of vagua. This is less than an hour from Bogota and the official account of the construction company is sharing the video and’ El Tigre ‘ is sharing it on social networks.

At the moment, the problem of taxes for Falcao jarca is a reality if he comes to live in Colombia, the search for a home is a rumor and this increases the insecurity and complications that arise in the country., Something in other countries and in his recent experiences that was not true for his and his family.

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