
Alba Casillas reappears after being fired in “lovedalkdal” and accusations against her colleagues: “you are scum, you sell yourself for free”


Alba Casillas reappears after being fired in “lovedalkdal” and accusations against her colleagues: “you are scum, you sell yourself for free”

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Alba Casillas He is already a regular name on the reality show of Mediaset. Former participant in formats such as ‘Island of temptations‘S’Women, men and vice versa‘It was one of the names chosen by the Contact Group for their new show’Neighbors of the house next door‘, A new contest designed for the group’s streaming platform, metelli plus. La madrilia I promised a lot of war from the very beginning The fact is that No disappointment, He starred in many broncas with his comrades and neighbors.

Despite everything, the term Alba Casillas is The first to be expelled from the program Several days after the disconnection, the influencer reappeared on social networks He imposed strict fees on many of his comrades. Specifically, Casillas had no concerns about criticizing Lex and GabriellaHe also said a few words to his ex-girlfriend., Jolene from the war.

I did this through his page on the Instagram social network, where he had not left tere with his head and had explained the desire he has to vent: “You’ve asked me a lot about my ‘next door neighbor’ experience and now I can finally speak freely“, She began to comment. Soon after, television was Gabriella, Who on several occasions complained about the criticism of the public, explaining that she should not have entered the competition if she did not want to be criticized, noting that “If you’re a little fresh, they think you’re fresh“.

Alba Casillas: “what a beautiful you have from Lila”

But Gabriella was not the only object of his words, and also criticized against Jolene from the war: “This character has to put shit on the outside to make friends with someone because the house can’t afford it… That this character comes to say things, as it seems that I didn’t tell him inside, look at something else, no, but I’m not a jacket, that there are a lot of jackets”.

Alba Casillas reappears after being fired

In fact, these were not the only words of Casillas against Gulen, whom he sharply criticized: “You are scum , by the time you graduate, you should look it up in the dictionary… You are selling yourself for free“, I emphasize. After that, the TV show again attacked Gabriella and Lex, emphasizing that the position of the former is not the right one and attacking the latter for forgiving his partner’s betrayals. Finally, Casillas attacked Gabriela again, explaining that he did not want to have her: “What beauty do you have from the night“, I conclude.

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