
Carvajal reveals the big difference between Luis Enrique and de la Fuente


Carvajal reveals the big difference between Luis Enrique and de la Fuente

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DAnil Carvajal Juanma castao attended in a cup. After Having reached the final, Highlights the Spanish selection Not just for his game, But By Tamou El-Khoury from the inside. That source They managed to make the fans of ‘La Roja’ feel connected with their chosen one again. What caused Spain to He was able to show his best version in this edition of the European Cup.

“We come from one The stage with stricter laws. Now Everything is a little more relaxed. Morata says He doesn’t care As long as we win the Euros. We have a great atmosphere, She is a controlled anarchist., “He said The Real Madrid fullback About The ins and outs of choosing. Without a doubt, all this is something This can be seen with the naked eye in any Spanish match. The human Group enhances the game on the field.

We don’t have muffins on the table during meals L Facilitate concentration And We go in the same uniform so that there is unity inside the locker room. Morata is our leader of choice Therefore It is he who decides“, Concludes Carvajal.

This Sunday At 21: 00 hours ESPA-estar One step away from climbing to the top of Europe. Before, You have to beat England, Although it seems that This choice can win whoever stands in front of, And indeed He proved it to us.

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