
The gold of Diego Botin and Florian tritel will have to wait


The gold of Diego Botin and Florian tritel will have to wait

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CAt 33 degrees, 44% humidity and a south-westerly wind of about 10 knots, the fight for the 49 medals began on the unexpected Regatta Course in Marseille. Diego Bottin and Florian tritl were arriving earlier this ‘Super Thursday’ To the medal race in which the top ten boats competed and this double-ended. They had an income of 5 points compared to the Irish couple, from 8 with the New Zealanders and 12 on the Americans. It is worth the sixth place to secure the medal. Finishing in the top three gave them gold.

At 14: 43 the fight for the podium begins. The Spaniards organized a Great director And it didn’t take long for them to get high Fleet commanders. They passed the first float with 20 seconds over Uruguay Ermir and Diez and 48 over the Croats.

They not only want to win the gold medal, they also want to win the medal race. The Spanish-Catalan duo, in addition, were, The fastest sail at more than 7 knots is most of the boat race. She was launched to glory. Having chosen the right side of the racetrack, they paid the rent to sail only one knot. “Speed, speed,” he heard on the recording of the onboard cameras.

And when they were just Halfway through the boat race In the midst of a comeback, Thirdly and in the Golden positions, it had to be stopped by a turn and reduce the intensity of the winds that left the fleet nailed.It’s time to start the final from scratch again. The two almost completed lighthouses were canceled. As they say in the sailing world: “no wind, no race” (without wind there are no boat races). Now, more than ever, he had to apply the mental calmness that gives his boat its name, Samatha, which means in Buddhist practice.

Such radical changes in Marseille are not new. The women’s Fleet had already suffered two days earlier when in the same boat race it moved from 16 knots to 3.

Starting over and the same ending

We had to reposition the race track and wait for the wind to rise. After more than an hour and a half , and with 10 knots, the medal race resumed ESPA could not repeat his good start but remained in the medal positions.

Low passes were the first to reach the first float, followed by New Zealand and Croatia. Spain did it in fifth place, which meant losing gold to the Kiwis. The text of the first medal was repeated because when I reached the second Lighthouse the wind again descended to a little more than a knot. It is impossible to sail in such conditions. Spain placed fifth and took the medal but took out the checkered flag again to suspend the boat race.

There was even a 17:37 time limit for the start but the fleet, which had already been in the water for four hours with unbearable temperatures. In the end, the medal race will be held tomorrow but the time is still unknown. In case there is not enough wind, Saturday can also be carried out as a reserve limit. The gold of Flo and Diego will have to wait,

Piper and Brugman start their road to gold on Friday

They pray as The holder of the title of world and European champion of 470 mixed, ten podiums and three top 7 Throughout the Olympic campaign. Jordi zmar and Nora Brugman begin their journey to the Triple Crown on Friday in Paris. They are the first in the world ranking. Only the French Lecointre and Meun are equal in the first number, in couch and heres, being the third in the ranking. The second place in this ranking is taken by the Japanese Okada and Yoshioka, who took the bronze medal at the 2024 World Cup.

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